Take actions against dolphin’s captivity
The operation for the dolphins of Antibes (South of France) is the first important action led by La Dolphin Connection. Its aim is to organise during this summer, an awareness campaign on dolphins and cetaceans in captivity in Antibes.
The principle of the operation
The operation consists in distributing flyers aiming at increasing the awareness of the people likely to go to a dolphinarium.
Each one of these flyers tends to interpellate the readers, and to invite them to go to our website, where they will be able to read more detailed information against dolphins’ captivity.
The flyers of the operation
The flyers, as well as the logo of the association, have been created by Maelys, who actively helped us setting up the operation. Below, you will find some versions of the flyers that will be handed out :

On the back of the flyers, we briefly explain our arguments against dolphins’ captivity, and we invite the reader to go to La Dolphin Connection’s website to get more information and, possibly, to join our fight (having the dolphinariums throughout the European Union prohibited).
To get more information on the conditions of dolphins’ captivity
For further information, please read the page written by Pierre De Vreyer and Yvon Godefroid (respectively President and Scientific and literary advisor of La Dolphin Connection) entitle What you should know about dolphinariums.
If you are already convinced that dolphins are sensitive and intelligent beings and that they have nothing to do in such parks where they are reduced to the rank of slaves, take actions and join us now.
Our objective is to increase public awareness and to act on the legal field. For both goals, we need you support. One day, dolphins will be considered as intelligent beings, as much as humans (and even more!). Be a part of their liberation by supporting dolphins’s cause now!